Compounding, conversion and abbreviation as ways of formation of chemical terminology in English and tatar languages


  • Venera Khisamova
  • Lucia Ibatulina


compounding, conversion, abbreviations, terminology, chemical terminology, the English language, the Tatar language


Terminology plays   an   important   role   in   science.   Without   knowledge of terminology it is impossible to be an expert in any of the scientific spheres of life. The rapid development of science leads to the emergence of new terms. Thus, the systematization and standardization of chemical terminology is an important question today. The article deals with the methods of word formation in English and Tatar chemical terminology on the example of compounding, conversion and abbreviation. The choice of these methods of term formation is due to their high productivity. The purpose of the present study is to identify the features of these methods of word formation in   the   chemical   term   system   of   two   genetically   unrelated and typologically diverse languages and to determine their linguistic representation in academic texts. The general models of word composition typical for the languages studied in this article are considered and presented. There are differences in models that are productive for each language in case of conversion. In   the   presentation   of   the   abbreviation   we   presented   models which are common both for the English and the Tatar languages.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication