Sign and meaning


  • Naira Danielyan


semiotics, language, sign, meaning, cognitive linguistics, philosophy of language, thinking


The article examines relations between sign and meaning in the history of philosophy from Aristotle up to nowadays while attracting semiotic concepts and modern research in cognitive linguistics. According to the author, language as a system of signs was not always transparent for thought in the classic philosophy. That is why researches appealed to it indirectly as the need arose, but they did not use it as a basic subject for discussions and study. The emergence of linguistic direction can be associated with some subjectivity of conceptions concerning language in philosophical investigations of the non-classic period. G. Frege was one of its founders who introduced the difference between sense and meaning in science according to his research of pure thinking forms without any attraction of its content. Further, the article analyses the linguistic concept offered by F. de Saussure as a founder of structural method. He believed that a sign in language was a unity of meaning and meant. Moreover, some concepts of representatives of structuralism (C. Levi-Stauss), post-structuralism (R. Barthes) and analytic philosophy (Ch. Peirce) are being discussed as well as the semiotic concept by Yu. M. Lotman. The author concludes that the argument concerning language signs has gained and keeps both an ontological component (researching if a word could be an independent entity or the same sign in a set of others), and an epistemological one (if a word could be a tool to study the essence of things or it is related only to their existence). Hence, the central problem of the linguistic direction in semiotics is still the correlation between sign and meaning.



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