Phraseological Models with Language/Dil Components (based on the Material of the Russian and Turkish Languages)



associative model, phraseology, Russian language, Turkish language, speech, communication, metaphor


The article presents a fragment of a comparative structural and semantic analysis of Russian and Turkish phraseological units with language/dil components, which have fixed the figurative interpretation of the interpersonal communication process in languages. Associative models of building such stable turns are revealed and prototypical situations motivating the actual meaning of phraseology are described. The most typical of them are considered. The illustrative material demonstrates universal and ethnically marked phraseological images, through which a description of speech activity is given. It is established that due to the universal nature and sociocultural significance of communication in society in Russian and Turkish phraseology, phrases with the components language /dil reflect the same assessment of different aspects of the speech process, as well as ethical norms of communication. There are also full equivalents in the languages being compared. Phraseological units that have consolidated the norms and ethical attitudes of interpersonal communication, which are significant for Russians and Turks, consolidate their collective socio-cultural and communicative experience and are transmitted as cultural values to subsequent generations of native speakers. The results of this study can be used in university practice in the study of Russian and Turkish phraseology, as well as in lexicographic practice in the compilation of bilingual dictionaries.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics