Methods of Translation of German Compound Words in the Publicistic Texts into Russian



translation, linguistics, composition, publicistic text, compound word, composite


Compound words play an important role in German and are one of the most discussed topics in linguistics. A huge number of linguists have studied the problems of word composition: M.D. Stepanova, W. Fleischer, G. Haken, V.P. Furmanova, L.K. Latyshev, M.I. Nosacheva and others. Compounding is one of the most productive ways of word formation in German. There are many areas in which compound words are often used, and the publicistic texts are not an exception. The formation of compound words is a complex process and the translation of these words into other languages is a difficult task for translators. The aim of this study is to analyze the ways of translation of the German compounds in the publicistic texts into Russian. The analysis was carried out on 200 lexical units selected by continuous sampling from “Economics” and “Politics” sections in the newspaper “Die Zeit” and in the online news site “Deutsche Welle”. Most compound words under analysis are two-part lexical units. Composites consisting of three or more stems are rarely used, as they are difficult to perceive. The study showed that more than 50% of the German compounds are translated into Russian using calque translation. In 27.5% of cases analogous Russian words were used. 12% of the analyzed compounds were rendered into Russian using descriptive translation and in 8% of cases the method of generalization was used.



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Deutsche Welle (Deutsche Ausgabe), 12.03.2022. Available from: [accessed 20.03.2022]. (In Germ.)

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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics