Current Problems of Linguistics and Culture of Communication



language, culture, linguistics, intercultural communication, linguoculturology, ethnos, nation


In the modern world, the process of effective communication is a demanded and integral phenomenon, while not without problems associated with a misunderstanding of speech, cultural and ethnic components, as well as the phenomenon of language in conjunction with the culture of communication and cognition. The article discusses some of the causes of communication barriers and inconsistencies on the part of linguistics, intercultural communication, linguoculturology in a single context, including due to differences in linguistic worldviews and concept spheres, as well as the effect of cultural stereotypes, features of national characters and communicative asymmetry, supposed similarities with the native culture and ethnocentrism. The problems of the culture of the language are indicated as a historically formed ethnic type of thinking and insufficient theoretical justification for the accumulated practice of the interaction of cultures, taking into account the fundamental constants of culture, reflecting the mental characteristics of nations. The proposed set of recommendations for effective communication, taking into account the peculiarities of the interaction of different cultures to overcome intercultural differences, in the form of a cultural barrier and conflicts, as well as questions regarding different conceptual (cultural or conceptual) pictures of the world, will contribute not only to the establishment of an intercultural communication process, but also to the abandonment of mutual positive imprint from interaction among representatives of different cultures.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics