Organization of the Conceptual Category Structure



conceptual category, categorical concept, concept DOG, concept FOOD


This article is devoted to the study of conceptual category structure. Conceptual category is an open formation that is able to include new elements. We view conceptual category as a category that has concepts as elements that are united by categorical concept. The size of the category depends on the social, cultural, historical, etc. significancy of the concept that forms the category. It is stated that conceptual category represents 3D system that consists of many layers. Each layer represents different aspects of the categorical concept and includes its own array of concepts. Some concepts of a layer can belong to other layers as well when actualize this or that feature. The layers reflect social, religious, technical, professional, poetic, etc aspects. The idea is proved on the example of the categories DOG and FOOD. The author views professional and cultural layers for DOG concept (the category includes such elements as FRIENS, EVIL, SUBMISSION, etc.), and poetic, advertising and religious layers for FOOD (the category includes such concepts as SERVISE, EVENT, TASTE, SMELL, DRINK, MEDICINE, etc.). Results of scientists that studied the above mentioned concepts are used to elicit the concepts that belong to the studied categories. Descriptive, semantical-cognitive methods and method of cognitive interpretation are used in the article.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics