Metaphorical Conceptualization of Phraseological Units about Healthy/Beautiful Women in the Chinese Language and Features of their Translation into Russian



metaphor, cognitive method, picture of the world, Russian, Chinese, intercultural communication


This article presents a conceptual analysis of Chinese phraseological units about beautiful/healthy women using the mechanism of metaphorical transfer as the most important cognitive tool for describing language units. The relevance and novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time a unique category of phraseological units is considered, which specializes in the representation of the canons of female beauty and which is inextricably linked with the concept of "health". The authors conclude that metaphorical conceptualization is closely related to the subjective experience and cultural background of the subject of knowledge, and the language itself, in the process of reflecting the world, is endowed with rich metaphorical and cultural connotations, as a result of which it becomes a source of information for studying national culture, psychology and worldview.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the metaphorical mechanism for representing these phraseological units, to reveal the peculiarities of understanding the worldview of the Chinese people as a whole, to promote understanding of Chinese culture and thinking in intercultural communication.



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Philological studies. Languages of peoples of foreign countries