Logical and conceptual classification of English, Russian and Turkish medical terminology



  • Liliya Sakaeva
  • Svetlana Takhtarova
  • Liliya Bazarova
  • Marat Yakhin


medical vocabulary, term, classification, terminology, term system, semantics


The original part of terminological units in comparison with the words of the national language lies in their internal semantic organization. In the case of terms, information about the logical generalizations of certain aspects and features inherent in classes of objects that are homogeneous in terms of these features comes to the fore. The article is devoted to revealing the semantics, in particular the logical and conceptual characteristics of the medical terminology in the English, Russian and Turkish languages. The purpose of the semantic analysis is to identify the conceptual structure characteristics of texts in a particular subject area. There was assumed the differentiation of terms by conceptual classes and the modeling of the term system by subclasses. As the analysis, medical articles with data from clinical trials were taken, terms of the “medicine” sphere in the presented languages ​​were selected by the continuous sampling method. The analysis of the given terminological sphere showed that terms related to the category of objects predominate in semantic coverage (112, which is 40% of all terminological units), terms related to the categories of states and processes are rare.



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