Paralinguistic means as cultural markers in the horoscope text



astrological discourse, horoscopic text, paralinguistic means, linguistic and cultural information, Western astrology, Eastern astrology


The article presents a study conducted at the junction of current trends in modern science – linguoculturology, communicative linguistics and paralinguistics. The object of attention was Western and Eastern astrology, represented in modern mass media by partially creolized texts and texts with full creolization. The subject of the study was the paralinguistic means used to transmit linguistic and cultural information of the peoples of the West and the East. It is noted that often texts with a para-language exist independently from verbal prognostic texts and have sufficient informative value for the recipient, provided that he has background linguistic and cultural knowledge. A comparative analysis reveals that in both Western and Eastern horoscopes there are identical or duplicated images-symbols with different connotations. Numerology and symbolization of the world of living and inanimate nature, for example, through the image of plants and metals, are of particular importance for Eastern horoscopes. In Western astrology, the presence of parasymbals is largely due to the abstract description of personal qualities and emotional and sensual potential of representatives of the zodiac circle. In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion that the use of the para-language in the horoscopes of Western and eastern astrology is of particular importance and relevance, since it reflects the current trend towards saving language resources while maintaining the maximum degree of informativeness of the prognostic text with a reservation on the specifics of national culture.



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