Semantic “inaccuracies” in the translation of phraseological units (on the works of W. Collins)


  • Liya Shangaraeva


phraseological units, English, Russian, French, semantic inaccuracies, translation of phraseological units


One of the current trends of comparative research at the present time is a comparative analysis of phraseological units in genetically related or distantly related, as well as in typologically heterogeneous languages. The phraseological fund captures the rich historical experience of the people. It reflects the ideas connected with the life and culture of people. Nowadays it is significant to study the problem of reflecting national culture in language. In light of the above, the relevance of the study is beyond doubt. An incorrect translation of phraseological units can lead to a partial loss of meaning and not give the recipient the communicative effect that the author intended to achieve. Phraseological units of English, French and Russian in the work of William Collins “The Dead Secret” selected as the object of this study are of great interest, since the specifics of the transfer of English phraseological units into Russian and French in works of art and the identification of semantic “inaccuracies” the translation of the studied phraseological units allows   to   speak   about   the   cultural-national   specifics   of   the   phraseological   composition of the studied languages.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication