The peculiarities of translation of American teenager`s vocabulary into Russian (on the basis F. Kast's novels)


  • Leila Nurgalieva
  • Zukhra Motygullina
  • Elmira Saidasheva


slang, colloquial vocabulary, translation, English and Russian languages, F. Kast, American youth


The article deals with the translation of the colloquial vocabulary of the American youth and the complexity of their translation from English into Russian language. As a source of examples was taken the series of books written by the popular American writer F. Kast. A translation into Russian was made by V.A. Maximova. In this article, we analyze examples of the usege of youth slang, most of which can be attributed to the vulgar and abusive vocabulary. Speaking about the Russian translation, it should be noted that V.A. Maksimova most often selected functional analogs, omissions, replacements and compensations. In our opinion, the translator did her best to as close as possible, in terms of stylistics, to the original. Despite this, it should be said that in any case even the most masterfully executed translation loses the original, since not a single translator can convey all the specifics and color of the original language.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication