Lexical-semantic aspect of the concept “fear” (on the material of the English and Tatar phraseological units with the component-zoonim)


  • Alfiya Gimadeeva
  • Dilyara Garifullina
  • Milyausha Garaeva


English, Tatar, concept, phraseological unit, zoonim


The gravity of the problem under study is specified by the fact that the research of concepts through their linguistic explicates is currently one of the issues of the modern cognitive linguistics, which in turn, helps to reveal the very structure of the concept. A comparison of the equivalent concepts in the English and Tatar language pictures of the world enables disclosing their cultural identity. The aim of the article is to discover the lexical-semantic features of the concept “fear” as well as identify the universal and national characteristics in representation of the analyzed concept through phraseological means of the English and Tatar languages. The science-based approach will dominate in the process of this problem investigation. Descriptive- analytical and comparative scientific methods of research are used. The methods of component, contextual and statistical analysis   are employed. The authors also   partially use the method of idiomatic modeling. As a rule, certain characteristics and features of people are transferred through a definite image of an animal. The names of the animals within the phraseological units are mainly used in figurative sense. About 5 animal names have been involved in the Tatar and English phraseological units. We have revealed universal and national features in the analyzed concepts and their representations by phraseological means of the English and Tatar languages.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication