Multicultural education in the USA: тheory and practice


  • Regina Khanipova


linguaculture, language and culture interaction, dialogue of cultures, English, teaching, language skills


The US system of education has been recognized as leading in aspects of its modernization. As a multinational country, the United States has built an effective algorithm for training teachers for work in a multicultural educational environment.

One of the current issues in multicultural education is language and culture interaction. It is obvious that the basis of the content of education in a multicultural and multilingual class is the study of language and culture, the main problem is the ratio and interaction of these two basic concepts in teaching a foreign language.

This article discusses the main theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of teaching English as a foreign language for students of different linguacultures. The author of the article came to the conclusion that bilingual education programmes help to improve students’ language skills and to provide a connection between culture and language. Bilingual education programmes develop tolerance in language learners, that is very important for every citizen in a multicultural society. Bilingual education, being an important technological tool for implementing the processes of globalization, integration and internationalization of education, helps to remove barriers and ensure a dialogue of cultures in educational institutions, increase the competitiveness of their graduates in the labor market, and comprehensive professional and personal development of students and teachers as active participants of the multicultural world.



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Pedagogical Sciences