Inclusive educational environment: social and communicative skills in children with special educational needs


  • Natalya Sigal
  • Irina Kondrateva


inclusion, social and communication skills, foreign language, learning, communication, interaction


The paper covers the issues of theoretical frameworks that are being developing around the process of modelling social communication skills in children with special educational needs during language learning process using interactive teaching techniques in an inclusive educational environment. The relevance of this article is due to the increased attention from the world scientific and pedagogical community to the search for effective technologies for the practical implementation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of inclusion, contributing to the successful social psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with special educational needs. This provision implies acquisition of vital social and communicative competencies by these children that make it possible to achieve maximum independence in the surrounding world, to gain the opportunity for productive social interaction in various spheres of life in society, as well as to gain the status of social viability in solving everyday tasks in various types of activities. However, despite numerous studies in the field of correction of psychophysical disorders in children with special educational needs, the question of the possibility of forming socio-communicative competencies in children of this category in the process of teaching a foreign language in an inclusive educational environment is not sufficiently developed. In this regard,the authors of the article focus on the issues of designing a social pedagogical model for the formation of social communication skills in children with special educational needs through teaching a foreign language, based on innovative ways of including social communication in teaching. The key results of the research are the developed model that contributes to the formation and development of social and communication skills in children; pedagogical conditions for the development of these skills; criteria for the ability to develop social and communication skills of children with special educational needs.



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Pedagogical Sciences