Fifty shades of gray in the idiomatic of the french and tatar languages


  • Rustam Fakhretdinov


linguistics, typology of multi-structural languages, phraseology, coloridomatics, French language, Tatar language, gray color


The article provides a typological analysis of the functioning of the coloronym “gray” in such distant languages as French which belongs to the Romance group of languages, and Tatar which belongs to the Turkic language family. The relevance of the article is confirmed by an overview of linguistic studies of the concept "gray" in various languages of the world. The recency lies in the fact that comparative studies of this concept in the language pair: French-Tatar have not been conducted before. The article provides parallels and discrepancies between the concepts of "gris" and "sory" in French and Tatar. The material for this study was the majority of examples from monolingual phraseological dictionaries of the French and Tatar languages. This choice is due to the fact that phraseological units most clearly demonstrate all national features of the functioning of a particular concept in any language. This article is a logical continuation of a number of scientific works of this author who has already made a comparative analysis of such coloronyms as “blue” – “green” and “black” – “white” in the languages already mentioned. The author sees the grand result of his work as the creation of a Tatar-French phraseological dictionary which would contribute to the further diversified development of the Tatar language.



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