Constitutional features of the academic discourse: digital transformation


  • Yulia Sergeeva


discourse; academic discourse; institutional discourse; constitutive signs; chronotope; Information Technology; information and educational environment.


This article describes the constitutive features of academic discourse as one of the types of institutional discourse. The relevance of the topic is determined by the widespread use of academic discourse, its importance in the life of society and the need to consider this discourse taking into account the dynamically changing factors of human development, which make changes in its constitutive features, namely information technology. There are many interpretations of the term "discourse". This work is based on the understanding of discourse as a strictly oriented communicative interaction within the framework of a certain socioculture, which has a specific goal. Discourse is divided into two types: personality oriented and status oriented. Academic discourse as a type of institutional discourse has distinctive features: accuracy, objectivity, depersonification and terminology. The main constitutive features are the goal of communication, participants, chronotope, values and strategies, genres, precedent texts, discursive formulas. As a result of consideration of each feature, new characteristics were identified, the appearance of which was influenced by information technology. Information and educational environment, online classes, webinars and educational platforms are new concepts for academic discourse, which are more widespread and used every year.



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