Dialogicality as a categorical characteristic of romantic discourse


  • Tatiana Rents


category of dialogicality, dialogue, romantic discourse, emotivity of the dialogue


This article is devoted to the study of the category of dialogicality and the related concept of dialogue in romantic discourse. The relevance of the topic is due to the continuing growth of interest in the category of dialogicality in various types of discourse, primarily those related to human relationships, as well as the significant research potential of romantic discourse. First, the author analyzes some theoretical approaches to understanding the category under consideration, and also provides its interpretation in modern scientific literature. The main attention is focused on dialogue as a form of active communicative interaction, resulting in the formation of a discourse. A significant part of the article is devoted to the study of the essence of dialogicity, its peculiarities and characteristic features of dialogues produced by participants in romantic interaction. An important result of the research is the discovery of a number of specific features of dialogicity, which are represented in its structure, addressee-addresser relations and the nature of relationships between interlocutors of interaction. Based on the analysis, it is also established that emotivity is a categorical characteristic of dialogicality in romantic discourse. It is proved that dialogic speech genres used by interactants are usually emotive, and individual replicas that express the feelings and emotions of romantic partners are of an emotionogenic character.



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