The pecularities of myth functioning in novel “the incomplete manuscript” by Kamal Abdulla


  • Landysh Yuzmukhametova
  • Nina Soboleva


postmodernism, Turkic prose, , Azerbaijani literature, Kamal Abdullah, myth


This article examines the role of myth in modern Turkic-language prose on the example of the work of the Azerbaijani writer Kamal Abdullah. This novel was translated into many languages of the world and received many reviews, and it was also studied in dissertation studies. The heroes of postmodern texts are extremely impressionable, emotional, live on the verge of reality and irreality, sleep and reality, past and future, are prone to deep philosophical thoughts, they are born at the intersection of eras and different cultural strata. The creation of such a hero and such a picture of the world is facilitated by mythological plots and images that are included in the canvas of the text. In the post-Soviet space, the appeal to mythology has its own unique appearance. Scientists note that mythologism is a sign of the formation of a new national-religious identity in the conditions of sovereign national statehood, it is neomyphology that has the most important role in the literary process of the 20th and 21st centuries. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that modern Turkic-speaking postmodern prose needs a comprehensive analysis of its features, paying attention to various elements and layers of the text. This is necessary to determine in the future the phenomenon of Turkic-speaking postmodernism in modern world literature.



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Literary criticism