Foreign language teaching: bilingualism and multilingualism background


  • Irina Kondrateva


foreign language, student, bilingualism, multilingualism, communication


Globalisation and forthcoming technologies are of considerable interest because they intensify the process of learning languages. This study represents an attempt of implementing bilingual’s background or students’ experience in language learning process and analyses the effectiveness of such knowledge in teaching languages. The main results that appeared were as follows: linguistic experience is applicable and actual to study lexicon, grammar and other language aspects. Features of linguistic experience and background also allow exploring such linguistic issue as language interfering. Advantages of bilinguals are the ways to follow the smallest variations in language gaining. Using of a national language or the first and second languages in teaching raises learners’ interest and let down hesitation in using vocabulary but transfers phonetic errors. The paper covers bilingual and multilingual learning approaches, their current and future requests in the learning process of Higher school of foreign languages and translation studies of Kazan Federal University.



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Pedagogical Sciences