The image-symbol of the wings in the tatar poetry second half of the twentieth century: Semantic structure and features of functioning (on the example of sazhida suleymanova's lyrics)


  • Gulnara Safina


semantic structure, image-symbol, Tatar literature, lyrics, traditions, women's poetry, artistic world of the poetess, subjective and figurative structures


The article establishes a semantic structure and peculiarities of functioning of the image-symbol of wings in the Tatar women's lyric poetry of 1960–1980s on the example of the creative work of S. Suleymanova. Rooted in the most ancient mythological and cosmogonic ideas, the folk art of many peoples of the world, the image-symbol of wings is significant and universal in world literature. It is established that in Tatar literature, namely in lyrics, this artistic and aesthetic construction has a synthetic character: it incorporates both universal meanings and traditions of national literature. In the article, the polyfunctionality of the image of wings is revealed; the author considers the originality of the artistic world of the poetess: the peculiarities of the worldview, literary and aesthetic position, and creative principles. As the analysis shows, in women's poetry the image-symbol of wings serves for expressing existential experiences: creative inspiration, a sense of love, a special state of emotional uplift or mental turmoil, etc. The analyzed image also enriches the stock of visual and expressive means of the authors' poetic language, used as metaphors and comparisons. These subjective and figurative structures reveal various nuances (shades) of S. Suleymanova's specific “female” view of nature, man, the life of the soul, and the functioning of the world.



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Literary criticism