Semantic features of phraseological expressions in the language of the fashion industry


  • Saidat Magomedova
  • Bela Eldarova


English, phraseology, phraseological units, phraseological expression, national specificity of thinking, the language of the fashion industry, differential features


This article is devoted to the semantic features of phraseological units in the fashion industry. The language of the fashion industry, in particular fashion magazines, is poorly studied and attracts a lot of linguists' attention to the study of the lexical and semantic composition of this phenomenon, which makes it possible to better understand the values promoted by this subculture, which can be considered part of human history and culture. In this regard, the study of phraseological expressions in the texts of modern English-language fashion magazines seems relevant and promising from the perspective of considering the national specifics of the thinking of the people and its reflection in English phraseology. An attempt was also made to classify phraseological units according to the differential characteristics, such as «appearance», «career / social activity», «romantic relationship».



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