Teaching Russian as a foreign language using the input language material (comprehensible input, ci) in speech communication


  • Olga Belkina


communicative method, the Russian language, monitor model, input material, oral activity


This article is devoted to the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The author emphasized the communicative method, which is currently used in the teaching of the second languages as foreign languages. Krashen’s Monitor Model based on the acquisition-learning dichotomy was reviewed as a model for learning a second foreign language. This theory namely the hypothesis of input material (comprehensible input, i + 1) was selected and put into practice for the development of students' oral activities. According to the author, it is necessary that the exercise is more complicated and contains new didactic and significant materials that can interest and motivate the students in order to improve their speech activity. Furthermore, correctly formulated teacher’s question develops the student’s dialogical speech and multidirectional communication of speaking. As a result of the study, the author concludes that the i + 1 exercises are effective and adapted to the needs of the students. In this case, the development of oral skills will occur without a language barrier and in a meaningful way that is adapted to real life.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages