Peculiarities of computer terms formation in the Enlish, German and Russian languages


  • Liya Yusupova
  • Olga Kuzmina


linguistics, language, term, terminological unit, computer terminology, structural peculiarities


The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of formation of English, German and Russian computer terms used in professional technical texts. The study is relevant, because more and more processes in human life involve the use of computer or mobile technologies, new electronic systems and applications are developed, which, in its turn, is reflected in the language. This   explains the fact that many works in modern linguistics are devoted to the study of computer terminology which actively penetrates into our life. The paper presents the results of the comparative analysis of computer terminological units in three languages, English, German and Russian. The study showed that the main way of the formation of the German and Russian computer terms is borrowing from the English language, while the English computer terms are formed mainly by morphological means. The terms borrowed from the English language are more changed in the process of assimilation in Russian rather than in German.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication