Strategies for the translation of film titles on the material of the English and Russian languages


  • Tatyana Sorokina
  • Alyona Ermolenko


language, Russian, American, film, film title, translation, name, inaccuracies


The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that film titles are an important component of the lexical and phraseological unity of the language. This article describes the main strategies and methods for translating them into Russian using the headlines   of American and Russian cinema. At the same time, special attention is paid to the advertising function and inaccuracies in the translation of foreign titles of films. The main research methods were analysis and comparison, namely: analysis of scientific literature, lexical-semantic and comparative- comparative analysis of film titles. The article provides a study of American film titles (150 units) 2009-2019 in percentage terms.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication