The identity of the Brazilian Portuguese language and the emergence of the concept of brazilianness


  • Kochkin Álefe Aprígio
  • Martins Gouveia Virgínio


sociolinguistic, historical subject, Brazilianness, Brazilian society, culture and acculturation process


This article is aimed at analysing one of the most pressing issues about Brazilian culture and identity, the analysis includes a significant range of processes of the emergence of the concept of Brazilianness, which are quite widespread when it comes to Brazilian culture or cultural and linguistic education in Brazil as a country and State. The focus will be on the concepts of the identity emergence of Brazil and Brazilians themselves, which are still in process of construction to this day, on the emergence of an idea of a conceptually Brazilian historical subject, on the Brazilian Portuguese language as a tool for uniting all peoples coexisting in the national territory, on the descendants of European colonisers, as well as on the descendants of enslaved people. The subject of this analysis is on the timeline that begins in the historical period just before the proclamation of independence. This period of our History is important because it explains the Brazilian society just before the independence and who it was organised. The aspirations of this young society and the processes of cultural emergence of the newly emerging nation will also be analysed. The theoretical basis for all analysis of the concepts presented in this article will be the psychoanalysis, linguistics, sociolinguistics, history and sociology.



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