Analysis and genesis of translation errors


  • Olga Kobzeva


translation errors, norms of translation, Russian e Italian language, hypnosis of the word in translation


The present study is aimed to investigate and analyze the translation errors committed by Italian students who study Russian, and identify the source of errors in order to improve their translation ability. The concept of error has been analyzed from a linguistic and cognitive point of view. It has been also argued that non-strictly linguistic factors, such as demotivation, disattention, apathy, as well as hypnosis of a word, may also be responsible for error сommitting. It has been noted that errors are determined by the negative effect of many factors, but the main factor is to treat the translation process not as an integrated activity, but as a mere substitution of the words of one language with the words of another language, as literal translation is easier and faster. An integrated errors classification based on Komissarov’s view of translation errors [1] is provided. According to this classification, translation errors are divided into competence errors and performance errors. It has been noted that the competence errors are the most serious, since there is divergence from the original meaning. The attention is directed towards such a distractor as word hypnosis, since translation, being a mental activity determined by cognitive processes, can be disturbed by this phenomenon. Finally, the strategies for effective error management, as well as some recommendations to improve translation skills have been provided.



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