Lexical markers of the scientific sport discourse (based on “science of gymnastics journal”)




sport discourse, scientific discourse, professional discourse, communication, lexical marker, term, scientific lexis


The purpose of this article is to identify lexical means that function as markers of scientific sport discourse. The research was based on 22 scientific articles of the English-language publication “Science of Gymnastics Journal”. The relevance of the study is determined by insufficient attention of linguists to the scientific component of sport discourse and the necessity to describe its purpose, subject, communicants and linguistic means used in scientific texts. A scientific article is a text of purely professional sport discourse, created by specialists and available for understanding only by a knowledgeable reader. Linguistic analysis of articles makes it possible to identify the most frequent lexemes, significant from the point of view of information content, the communication purpose and the speech organization, and classify them thematically and functionally. In the course of the study, the methods of semantic, contextual and discourse analysis were employed, the results of which make it possible to assert that the terms are key semantic units. At the same time, the presence of sport terms proves that the studied texts are related to sports discourse, and the functioning of terms of other spheres characterizes these texts as interdiscursive. Introductory phrases, means of expressing evaluation and abstract vocabulary are presented as traditional lexical elements of a scientific text. Functioning of the considered units in the text determines such characteristics of a scientific text as information content, coherence, density, the tendency towards generalization and abstraction.



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