Modern german drama for children



theatre for children, children’s theatre, generation gap, bullying


There is a large number of theatres for children and youth in Germany. A big amount of plays written for children or about children are staged here annually. The repertoire of children’s theatres is composed of both classical and modern plays. Analyzing what a modern children’s play should be like, the authors of the article come to a conclusion that performances should not be of edifying nature. To fulfill its educational function, the theatre must be close to reality: a child will independently draw the necessary conclusions through self-reflection. A theatre, including the children’s one, shouldn’t give simple answers. Plays by contemporary authors for children and about children raise serious and diverse questions, inviting young audience to reflect. Theatrical authors address to such topics as family relations and a generation gap, violence in society, xenophobia and discrimination, bullying, first love, etc.



Taube G. Fasing Reality. Contemporaneity and realism in theatre for young audiences. IXYPSILONZET. Jahrbuch 2014; 2014 (In German)

International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People. Available from: [accessed 25.06.2021]

Rudnev P.A. Theatrical impressions of Pavel Rudnev. Creative laboratory “The fourth height. Modern children's drama”. Moscow: Novyi mir. 2007; (7): 213. (In Russ.)

Irmer T. Cuts in life, miracles of everyday life. The drama of childhood. IXYPSILONZET. Jahrbuch 2014; 2014. (In German)

SchAG 11+. Goethe Institut. Moscow; 2015. (In Russ.)





Literary criticism