Translation “hyper-palimpsest”: мultiplicity of a “strong” detective text


  • Veronica Razumovskaya


“strong” text. translation, original inexhaustibility, translatability, translatedness, artistic image, center of translation attraction


The article is devoted to the neocategories of literary translation – inexhaustibility of an original text and translation multiplicity. The centers of translation attraction formed by the “strong” original detectives of A. Christie – the famous English-language detective author, served as the material of the analysis. Understanding the translation in a broad sense made it possible to include secondary texts of different semiotic nature in the centers under consideration. The hypothesis is put forward that a “strong” literary original and its secondary versions form a complex syncretic polytext (“hyper-palimpsest”), which has a heterogeneous semiotic nature and represents a unique semiotic object. The coexistence of semiotic versions of a “strong” text in one or more cultural spaces provides the possibility of polytext perception in different modalities implemented through one or more information channels. Some secondary texts have popularity and “strength” equal to or superior to the “strength” of their original text, which is reflected in the problematic issues of primacy and superiority clarification of a culture object. The regular secondary nature of an original text ensures its cultural preservation and prolongs the life of a “strong” text of national literature in the world literary and cultural heritage. Special attention is paid to the artistic image as a unit of translation, with respect to which the decision to translate is made.



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