Formation and process of replenishment of semantic field "diplomacy and foreign policy" in English and Russian languages in comparative aspect


  • Liliya Sakaeva
  • Anastasia Evsyukova


Language, English, Semantic field, lexical item, periphery, diplomacy, foreign policy


This article is presented as an overview of the specifics of the formation and further development of the lexico-semantic field “diplomacy and foreign policy” in English and Russian languages in a comparative aspect. The relevance of the topic of the study is confirmed by the fact that, in view of the developments in the modern world, there is an increased attention to the study of the field of foreign policy and diplomacy in order to correctly understand and use in the verbal and written speech of the international vocabulary. The hypothesis of this article is that in reality there are visible differences in the semantic fields studied in English and Russian, contrary to the tendency towards clarity and specificity of foreign policy vocabulary. This article includes the results of a comparative study of semantic fields in the studied languages.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication