Formation and functioning of the subject field of lexicon relating to “aristocracy of great britain”


  • Elena Litvinenko


aristocracy, lexical units, a lexical-semantic field, a nuclear, a peripheral structure


The comprehensive study of words as the basic unit of the language system is an important task of linguistics. The article deals with a formation and functioning of the lexicon relating to the lexical semantic field "Aristocracy of Great Britain". The research is guided by definitional,   etymological   and    synonymic    analyses    of    the    concept    "aristocracy". The lingvocultural analysis plays a major role, during which such methods as lingvocultural semantization and "detailed   explanations"   were   used.   Four   micro   fields   are   identified in the specified lexical semantic field holding different positions in the structure of the kernel such as "persons belonging to the aristocracy"; "personal privileges of aristocrats"; "high social rank"; "form of government".   It is   given justification of their thematic orientation and the model of a nuclear where micro fields show a different number of members and a non-uniform shape in the structure of the nucleus. As the result, a peripheral structure of the lexical semantic field "Aristocracy of Great Britain" and its peripheral zones are offered.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication