The grammatical features of the language of newspaper ads


  • Gulzira Kenzhetayeva
  • Roza Omarova


newspaper ads, German press, grammatical features, implicit representation, one – and two-part sentences


This article examines the grammatical features of ads in the German press on the example of newspaper articles published in Germany and Russia. The relevance of the topic is determined by the significant potential of the German language, the need for in-depth study of the language of informational texts of newspapers that reflect the extra linguistic environment of human society in the modern German-language press. In the ads text examines examples of the types   of sentences,   leading to   language economy in   the modern German language and at the same time having a full informative value. Based on the analysis of representative samples of material, the article presents conclusions about the grammatical features of newspaper ads in the press.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication