Peculiarities of Actualization of the Direct Meaning of the Phraseological Unit During Instantial Transformation in the Discourse (based on English and Russian)



phraseological unit, instantial transformation, extended metaphor, meaning of the components, actualization


Instantial transformations of a phraseological unit directly depend on the discourse with actualizers that contribute to changing the semantics of the basic unit. It is necessary to study systematically the ways of changing the meaning of the unit in the discourse to understand the mechanism of instantial transformations, to distinguish them from the erroneous use of a phraseological unit, which determines the relevance of the study. The purpose of this study is to analyze ways of actualizing the direct meaning of the components of a phraseological unit in the context when instantial transformation takes place. The novelty of the research consists of an attempt to systematize the types of actualizations of the direct meaning of a phraseological unit, taking into account the instantial structural changes of phraseological units in the context. Instantial phraseological units, selected from the works of Russian and English literature of the XX and XXI centuries, are the material of the study. Research methods include contextual analysis method, continuous sampling method, comparative method, methods of phraseological identification and phraseological description. Discourse transformation of phraseological units is based on partial or complete actualization of the direct meaning of the components. When updating the direct meaning of the PU components, free lexemes and methods of contextual implementation of the PU can act as actualizers, such as repetition (the most frequent method), substitution and ellipses of the phraseological unit.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics