Collocations in adapted and translated texts of the media information genre (Russian, Turkish, and English as an example)


  • Elvira Yilmaz


collocation, adaption, adapted text, translation, collocator, phraseology, ideomatics


The article deals with the problem of using collocations in translated and adapted texts of the news genre. To get a clearer idea of the role of collocations in the context of information genres, we turned to the materials published from January to May 2020 in English, Russian and Turkish on websites. At the same time, we selected and analyzed both translated articles and texts that are information adaptations of the desired message. Due to the fact that there are still disputes regarding the distinction between translation (as a result of the translator's actions) and adapted text, it was necessary to raise the question of the definition of adapted and translated texts. To create a complete picture, the research also included the definition of other terms and concepts used to refer to a linguistic phenomenon in one of the three languages of the above texts. The purpose of this study is to try to 1) draw attention to the problems of translated and adapted texts; 2) study the options for successful and unsuccessful use of collocations; 3) identify the presence/absence of calculus in the process of implementing collocations.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication