English Sports Borrowings in the Modern Russian Language




sports terminology, borrowings, phonetic translation, transliteration, loans


The issues of integration of English terms in the context of sports terminology in the Russian language at the time being remain poorly studied and require close attention and an analytical approach. The article describes methods of translating modern Anglicisms on sports topics in the Russian language in the period from 2000 to 2020. More than 2,500 Anglicisms were extracted and examined using a continuous sampling method from monolingual, bilingual explanatory and sports terminological dictionaries and the media. Based on the systemic-structural method of translation, the authors for the first time proposed their own classification of methods for transforming modern Anglicisms in the Russian language. The article highlights the main types of translation and borrowed vocabulary: phonetic, transliteration, tracing and combined and preserved forms. The results of the analysis of the material show a pronounced quantitative discrepancy between the types of borrowed vocabulary in the recipient language. The study found that phonetic translation is the most productive method of transformation - 51% of the studied units, while tracing turned out to be the least active – only 6%. In the future, it seems promising to conduct the research and develop the standards for translating sports English terms into Russian, which will contribute to a correct understanding of sports terminology and ensure mutually beneficial international interaction.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics