“The Broken Bell” by Charles Baudelaire: The Melancholic Image of the Bell in Ellis’ Translation




Ellis, L.L. Kobilinsky, Ch. Baudelaire, translation, melancholy, bell, poem, spleen


The present article focuses on the analysis of the “bell” image’s transformation within the Ellis’ translation of “The Broken Bell” by Charles Baudelaire. While considering the context of both poets and comparing the different ways in which the image of the “bell” was used in other poetical works, it is possible to understand how Ellis changes this melancholic image by focusing more on the description of visual aspects. Also, throughout this research, several representations of the bell in melancholic contexts are presented, to show how certain characteristics, that are usually attached to this image, like its material or colour, are often repeated and change how the image is interpreted in Ellis’ time. Through the analysis of his translation process, it is possible to see what were exactly the changes that he made in order to reconstruct the melancholic images in Baudelaire’s poem and at the same time create a new melancholic atmosphere, that was closer to what would later be his own poetical works.



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• Philological studies. Literature of the peoples of the world