SEMANTIC PROPERTIES OF MODAL VERBS 愿意 (yuànyì), 乐意(lèyì), 情 愿 (qíngyuàn) IN CHINESE


  • Aigul Davletbaeva
  • Fluza Fatkullina


category of modality, desire, modal verb, modal meaning


This article explores the functional-semantic field of desire using modal verbs as an example. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the modal verbs 愿意 (yuànyì), 乐意(lèyì), 情愿 (qíngyuàn), which have a semantic plan with a number of specific nuances, the understanding of which can diversify the practice of translation and teaching, and enrich everyday communication with additional clarifying meanings. In Russian, the word 愿意 (yuànyì) is translated as “to wish”, “to want”, “to be ready”, 乐意 (lèyì) is translated as “to want”, “to wish”, “to be glad to do something”, 情愿 (qíngyuàn) is translated like "to want", "to prefer something". In this paper, we study in detail examples of the use of the listed modal verbs and how to translate them into Russian, depending on the situation. The materials in this article can be used in teaching Chinese as a foreign language to speakers of other linguistic cultures, as well as in professional translation activities. A comprehensive approach to the study of modal verbs 愿意 (yuànyì), 乐意(lèyì), 情愿 (qíngyuàn) allows us to systematize the variety of their meanings.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication