Semantics of Verbs with the Meaning of Touching in Russian, Tatar and English Languages



semantics, verb of touching, meaning, lexical-semantic group, Russian language, Tatar language, English language, lexical typology, secondary derivation


The given article deals with the study of lexical-semantic group of verbs with the meaning of touching in Russia, Tatar and English languages. Verbs being a part of a great number of synonymic rows have differences in lexical meanings, syntagmatic and paradygmatic relations. Verbs are often stylictically marked and have specific connotations. The authors have clarified semantic features of verbs of the given group, their integrating and differentiating units, including motivation peculiarities of these verbs. All the verbs of this semantic field are united by basic verb, in Russian it is касаться, in Tatar – кагыл- and in English – the verb touch. The aim of the study is to outline the basic models of secondary derivation, when a verb acquires additional meanings in the languages under consideration. Contact and interaction between representatives of different cultures and languages is of specific interest since touching in terms of concepts is one of the basic ways of perception and studying the surrounding world. Due to comparative approach it was possible to elicit universal tendencies of changes of verbs of touching, as well as unique ones peculiar only to one language under consideration.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics