Strategies in second language learning: strategic competence in the l2 Spanish classroom


  • Olga Belkina
  • Martínez Pablo Torres


strategies, strategic competence, training, ELE, autonomy


This article   is   framed   in   the   field   of   applied   linguistics,   in   the   area of the development of the ELE methodology, emphasizing the introduction of learning strategies in the classroom to develop the student autonomy. Although much literature has been written about this subject it does not correspond to the didactic action. In this article, the authors approach the theory to teaching practice by offering the reader a series of guidelines for the introduction of strategic competence in the classroom and thus facilitate the job of the teachers.

First, a definition and description of the concept of strategic theory is offered. Second, the reader is offered a series of methodological guidelines for the introduction of this competence in the classroom based on the CALLA method of Chamot and O'Malley. Finally, a conclusion is offered with the benefits that both the apprentice and the teacher bring to practice this competition in the classroom.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages