Use of international standardised test materials of English language proficiency in humanities students’ training


  • Nina Soboleva
  • Landysh Yuzmukhametova


English, student, training, language skills, international standardised test, IELTS


This paper embraces the   classification of international   standardised exams in English, provides with an overview of a wide range of tasks as well as strategies for test materials implementation to develop communicative   competencies   in   Humanities   students’   training. In addition, the article defines the most widely spread standardized tests. Another feature of this paper is a detailed description of tasks typical of International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The relevance of the topic under consideration is determined by the need to integrate international English language assessment standards in teaching practice. Based on the analysis of international standardized tests, as well as the experience of using materials for exam preparation, the given paper provides conclusions about the effectiveness of using this strategy in the language training of Humanity students. Since foreign language training with the help of international testing system materials and methods ensures the harmonious formation of four main components for successful communication in English, the integration of this approach to learning seems to be an excellent addition to the main educational program.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages