Speech-influencing Potential of a Linguistic Personality in Institutional Discourse




institutional discourse, linguistic personality, speech influence, persuasiveness, TV, media presence, communication


The article examines the basic theoretical concepts of speech influence that communicants encounter in the process of interaction in the space of institutional (television) discourse.

The authors paid special attention to the description and definition of the phenomenon of speech influence in the process of communication and consideration of the typology of linguistic personalities and the main parameters of the language of a television journalist.

  The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient level of study of the issue of speech influence within the designated type of discourse, as well as the relevance of the influence of television on the political situation in a particular country, as well as the role that means of speech influence play in this. A definition of speech influence in the context of institutional discourse is proposed as a manifestation of communicative-psychological influence carried out through speech and directed at both conscious (rational) and unconscious perception.

It is concluded that television institutional discourse and the linguistic personality of a television journalist are dynamic phenomena of a syncretic nature. The first combines the features of both television itself and the entire media discourse, and in the category of the second, speech, communicative, and cognitive parameters are intertwined.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics