On Some Lexical and Semantic Features of the Creation of Artistic Images in French Heroic Poems (a Study of the Poem “Le Pèlerinage de Charlemagne”)




epic text, archaic consciousness, conceptual-value system, chanson de geste, idealized image, royal gesture, gab


The article deals with the lexical and textual features of the depiction of heroes in French epic works, which, along with the plot, forms the essence of artistic unity in the explication of the dominant concepts of archaic consciousness. Chansons de geste are the story of the mythical deeds of the knights. French epic texts contain three key tropes: 1) the protection of the state from enemies, usually the Moors; 2) allegiance to the king; and 3) feudal divisions. These plots reflect the problems that primarily occupied the minds of the people of that time. The main leitmotif of the epic poems is the fight against infidels for the glory of the Christian faith. The main personalized concept of the epic poems in most cases is King Charlemagne. The idealized image of the king reflects the conceptual-value dominants of the archaic society – desire of the people to see in the king the defender of the motherland and faith. The gestures display the primary concept of LOYALTY TO THE KING, which comes first, regardless of his personal characteristics. Particular attention is paid to the distinctive features of French epic texts, which include hyperbole, allusion, parallelism, and repetition of formulas.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics