The concept of knowledge by Umberto Eco in “The Name of the Rose”


  • Alsu Nigmatullina
  • Ilseyar Khafizova


Umberto Eco, “The Name of the Rose”, epistemology, criticism, fundamentalism and normativism, science-centrism, subject centrism


This article aims to describe the knowledge conception in the novel “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco. The problem of knowledge is one of the oldest in history of philosophy. The branch of philosophy concerned with the issue of knowledge provided methodological base for all other sciences. Nowadays we can describe epistemology as a sum of contradictory currencies that do not have unity even in the most basic issue for knowledge, the issue of possibility of knowledge. Thus, nowadays the topic of knowledge is as relevant as it was before. Overall at the present stage of epistemology’s development it can be divided in classical and neoclassical epistemology. Neoclassical epistemology denies criticism, fundamentalism and normativism, science-centrism, subject-centrism that are basic principles of classical epistemology. Umberto Eco is an outstanding researcher whose works contributed to development of linguistics, culturology, semiotics, aesthetics. His works also concerns the issues of philosophy. Particularly, his novels are important to understand his philosophical ideas and one of his most famous novels is “The Name of the Rose”. In the article Umberto Eco’s ideas on knowledge are considered from the point of neoclassical epistemology on the base of the text of “The Name of the Rose”.



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Literary criticism