Linguostylistic Means Formation of E. Macron’s Verbal Image



political discourse, verbal image, rhetorical devices, verbal behavior, expressivity


The article considers the problem of forming an effective political discourse as one of the forms of institutional communication. A distinctive and integral feature of political discourse is manipulativity, and as a result, a high degree of expressivity and emotionality. The purpose of the study is to try to identify and describe the verbal means of expression responsible for the realization of the pragmatic potential of the modern political discourse. The article defines the concept of verbal image, it justifies the importance of its competent forming on the example of E. Macron, the current President of France. The research material was the texts of E. Macron's political speeches at the Konstantinovsky Palace (St. Petersburg, May 24–25, 2018), where he arrived on his first official visit to Russia. The study analyzes a set of rhetorical devices contributing to the formation of E. Macron’s verbal image, among which is chiasmus, anaphora and its varieties, parallelism, inversion, asyndeton and polysyndeton, rhetorical question, gradation and ellipsis. The revealed linguistic and stylistic characteristics of E. Macron's political speeches directly contribute to the formation of his special, individually coloured verbal behavior, they are responsible for his structuration, emotional and expressive colouring, which makes ultimately E. Macron's verbal image.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics