Asymmetry of the English-speaking and Russian-speaking Language Teaching Discourse: Reasons and Consequences



language teaching, scientific discourse, cognitive isomorphism, English as a foreign language, English as a second language, intercultural communication


This article touches upon the problem of asymmetry scientific discourses related to language teaching. It is known that languages have asymmetric features, which prevents the complete translatability of texts. However, if the participants of the discourse are aware of the external side of this disproportion associated with the choice of lexemes and grammatical structures, then the internal asymmetry manifested in the structure and content of concepts and their axiomatic connections remains hidden and unconscious for the majority because of false cognitive isomorphism. This phenomenon is especially evident in the discourses of the humanities, in particular, in the discourse on language teaching. To compare the epistemological architecture of language teaching discourse in English and Russian, the authors apply lexicographic and conceptual analyses, which makes it possible to identify the reasons for such an organization of knowledge. In addition, the article reflects on the consequences for language teaching in Russia related to the orientation of participants in the Russian-language scientific discourse to foreign colleagues and the adoption of values and meanings from the English-language discourse. One of the crisis points is the lack of awareness of the difference in the contexts of teaching English in Russia and English-speaking countries and, as a result, the regular use of practices of teaching English as a second language outside the language environment and the absence of a teaching model focused on the functioning of the English language in Russia.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics