Approaches to the Study of the Expression of Positive and Negative Emotions in the Text



language, emotion, linguistics, functional-semantic, language system, expressive lexicon


This article discusses the problem of expressing positive and negative emotions in a modern text using a functional-semantic approach. Currently, texts are the subject of active research, since they fully reflect human nature. It should also be noted that the theories of text construction are insufficiently developed and little studied in linguistics. Despite the fact that a large number of scientific articles are devoted to textual problems, the construction of a holistic theory of text is an area of modern linguistic research. Currently, the ways of expressing emotions in the text are one of the urgent problems of communicative linguistics. The main purpose of this work is to study the methodological foundations of the study of positive and negative emotions in texts. The scientific works considering expressions of positive and negative emotions in texts from the point of view of the functional-semantic approach are studied. When studying this approach, we decided to use the following scientific methods: the method of analysis and the method of synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative and logical analysis, as well as objective scientific, systematizing positions.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics