Localization as a Tactic of Self-presentation Speech Strategy




localization, presentational Internet communication, pragmalinguistics, speech strategy, speech tactic, speech move, corporate website


The article considers localization as a tool of the company's self-presentation process adaptation to a foreign audience within the framework of English-language Internet communication. The purpose of the study is to define the pragmatic role of localization in the process of creating a localized version of a corporate website. The study determines the self-presentation as a speech strategy, focused on achieving the communicative aim to create a positive image of the company, to promote its brand and products. It is established that localization implements the strategy of self-presentation as one of its tactics. Localization tactic correlates with communicative intention, which is to ensure an equivalent communicative impact on a foreign addressee. The study describes “change of a main navigation menu and transformation of a website structure” speech move, which embodies the tactic. It lies in simplification of a website navigation and in concentration of the most relevant and informative sections and subsections for the addressee in a main navigation menu. This move facilitates the search for information of interest about the company and its products, which contributes to a comprehensive impact on a foreign client and the achievement of the communicative aim. The results obtained prove the effectiveness of pragmatic means of localization in the context of monolingual presentational Internet communication.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics