Lexico-semantic Stratification of Slang in French-language Internet Comments




French language, online communication, Internet commentary, substandard, slang, dysphemism


This article examines the main characteristics of the substandard in the Internet comments of the French virtual discourse. The purpose of this study was to describe the functional and semantic status of modern French-speaking slang in the comments to the gossip column. The material of the work was the data of the news portal Actu people et stars - Public.fr. The article clarifies the concept of commentary as one of the key genres of online communication, and also provides differential characteristics of slang as an important marker of self-expression of Internet users: emotional richness, brevity of wording, stylistically reduced semantics. Based on the analysis of the frequency of use of slang units, the authors draw conclusions about the relevance of news topics and the emotional involvement of the French-speaking audience in communication. A detailed component (seme-sememe) analysis made it possible to establish the most common intentional characteristics of slang in the comments, among which the expression of a negative attitude to the information presented in the texts absolutely prevails: dysphemization and pejorative expression, in some cases based on the hyperbolization of negative features. Traditionally neutral in the general language fund, lexical units that serve to nominate new phenomena and concepts in the substandard also carry a distinct negative connotation. The positive intention is occasional and is expressed in the rare use of euphemisms.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics