Cante Jondo in the F.G. Lorca’s Drama “Yerma”.



Federico Garcia Lorca, Spanish folklore, cante jondo, “Yerma”, “tragic poem”, “Andalusian longing”


The article deals with the problem of poetic interpretation of cante jondo traditions in Federico Garcia Lorca's drama "Yerma", written in 1934. According to the author's definition, this play is a "tragic poem". It embodies the author's idea of creating a new theater based on the combination of the traditions of classical theater and Spanish folklore. The author's attitude to folklore, in particular to the ancient art of deep singing cante jondo, is considered. The main themes and motifs of the folk song art of cante and their role in creating the image of the main character of the play "Yerma" are traced.  It is noted that in the drama "Yerma" the themes of love, grief, life and death acquire a special tone and expressiveness due to the author's appeal to folklore tradition, the ancient art of deep singing. The analysis of the text of the play allowed us to establish that the motifs of longing, loneliness and sadness inherent in the stylistics of folk songs become the basis of expressiveness of the play and give it a special lyricism. The conclusion is made that the heroine's image is mostly related to ancient art by a common feeling of sadness and grief, a common lyrical mood of immense Andalusian longing.



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• Philological studies. Literature of the peoples of the world