Linguoculturology and linguoculture: correlation of concepts


  • Fluza Fatkullina


linguoculturology, linguistic culture, the relationship of language and culture, stereotype, mentality, dialogue of cultures


The   article   discusses   the   basic   concepts   and   terminological    apparatus of linguoculturology as a scientific discipline. The author pays special attention to the description and definition of linguoculture as the main object of linguoculturology and as a semiotic system. The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that linguoculture is formed at the intersection of two systems: language and culture, i.e. culture, developed in the language, which can include both values and names, traditions, language symbols, stereotypes, texts and others. Such a mechanism of simplification of cognition is considered in detail as the conclusion of information in the form of a stereotype, as the representation of the people about the world around them and about people of another culture with whom they have to come in contact. It is concluded that in every culture exists its own semiotic system, the knowledge of which helps native speakers to communicate with each other and adequately understand the meaning of what was said.



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